Hot Pursuit (22)Full unit name: Hot Pursuit
Last updated: 13.07.2024 10:49:15
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (17)
  • Voidhound's Followers killed at least 7 Black Sun Gunners, Holo-slicers and Keepers
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Corso Riggs
    It might be this lawman knows how to find Skavak. We'd better try to save him. Let's go bust up that party at the spaceport, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas asked Juul and Jiik, his informants, to track down Skavak.
  • Darmas Pollaran, Juul, Jiik
  • Voidhound's Followers killed 10 Black Sun Lookouts, Mercenaries and Slicers
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This was fun, little mouse, but we're done playing. Time to die.
    Miel Muwn
    I am a designated officer of the Sullustan Constable Brigade. Drop your weapons and surrender, or I'll be forced to discharge my weapon again.
    I can't figure out if this Sullustan's deaf or just stupid.
    Do you see those ears? Sullustans have excellent hearing. All of you against one guy? That's overkill, don't you think?
    I told you idiots to watch that door! Do I have to do everything myself? This is none of your business, scum. Get out while you still can.
    Miel Muwn
    Wait, upstanding citizen! Under Article 11607 of the Emergency Service Laws, I hereby deputize you. These men are interfering in a criminal investigation.
    I'm sure if we ask them real nicely, they'll just leave.
    Miel Muwn
    I already encouraged these men to depart peacefully, but they failed to comply. It's possible they don't understand Sullustese. There are too many to apprehend alone. I require backup to subdue them all.
    Do I look like a deputy to you?
    Miel Muwn
    Yes, of course. The planet of Sullust values all sentient life-forms. I am proud to serve with you. Please, upstanding citizen. It is your duty to assist a designated peace officer requesting aid. You will be paid appropriately for your duties as authorized by Amendment 102167 of the Sullustan Good Neighbor Act.
    You heard the man, lawbreakers. Surrender now, or else.
    You really are as dumb as you look, aren't you? Just when I thought this conversation couldn't get any more ridiculous....
    Kill them both, men.
  • Urbax, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Miel Muwn
  • Miel Muwn killed Urbax's Thug
  • Voidhound's Followers killed Urbax's Thug
  • Voidhound's Followers killed Urbax
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    I am grateful for your assistance, deputy. I apologize for drafting you into service on short notice, but you performed admirably.
    Sticking up for the little guy is what I do best.
    Miel Muwn
    I am considered tall for a Sullustan. My species averages one point five meters in height, but I have achieved one point six meters. Regardless, you have my thanks. I will make special note of your heroism in my full report. Now that the immediate danger has passed, you may return to being an upstanding citizen.
    I have not properly identified myself to you. I am Officer Miel Muwn of the Sullustan Constable Brigade.
    I'm just a simple starship captain trying to earn a living.
    Miel Muwn
    Normally my reports require a full name and genetic record - but I suppose I can acknowledge you as an "unidentified innocent bystander." If you are in some sort of trouble, I might be able to help. I am a law officer, after all.
    I have come to Coruscant pursuing a dangerous criminal named Skavak. He is wanted by the government of Sullust for high crimes. Skavak stole a priceless relic called the Murustavan Ruby. It is a one-of-a-kind gem as large as your fist, mined from the depths of Sullust millennia ago. We revere it. My duty is to arrest him and retrieve it, even if I must act alone.
    I'm hunting Skavak, too. He stole my starship. I came here looking for information.
    Miel Muwn
    Ah! I suspected your timely intervention here was not coincidence, upstanding citizen. This is good news. My sympathies on the theft of your ship. I knew I could not be the only one hunting such a notorious lawbreaker.
    Don't you have any backup? Can't you get the Republic to lend a hand?
    Miel Muwn
    Sullust left the Republic after the war. Technically, I have no jurisdiction here. When I requested help from Coruscant's law enforcement, I was denied. Upstanding citizen, I do not believe your presence here is coincidental. My investigator's instincts tell me you purposely came to this docking bay.
    I propose we cooperate and share resources. Coruscant is large and... confusing. If I turn up any useful leads on Skavak's whereabouts, I will contact you. Can I count on you to do the same?
    I'll take any help I can get.
    Miel Muwn
    I am glad to finally have an ally on this world. Together, we will bring that lawbreaker to justice.
    Your help with these lawbreakers was invaluable. I will contact the local security forces and file an appropriate report with them.
    Keep my name out of that report, all right?
    Miel Muwn
    Your participation will remain confidential. I will assume full responsibility for what happened here. Based on past experience, local security will not ask many questions. I will continue my search for Skavak soon.
    Here is your salary allowance as codified by Article 101173 of the Sullustan Emergency Service Laws. Thank you for your brave service. I will not detain you further, upstanding citizen. Your time and assistance here is greatly appreciated. Good day.
    Corso Riggs
    Let us not be here when the local security shows up. We don't have time to answer questions. Maybe we should go see if Darmas knows anything new about Skavak?
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Miel Muwn
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    See? What did I tell you? It's the captain from Rogun the Butcher's bounty posting. Are we lucky or what?
    I never doubted you for a second, lover. You've always been my lucky star.
    Ugh, you two make me sick. Hold it right there, Captain.
    Is that a hairstyle, or did a womp rat die on your head?
    Did you just... what... who do... shut up!
    Let me guess. You're bounty hunters?
    Right the first time - give the man a death stick! Come on, you two. Let's cremate this fool and get rich!
    Your friends have so much to live for. Why get them killed?
    Ooh, tough talk from a scum on the run. I'm not afraid of you. I've got a flamethrower! Let's roast this stupid nerf-herder!
    Ease off, Scorch. I have a bad feeling about this captain. He looks like more than we can handle.
    Not man enough for a real challenge? Don't know what you see in this guy, Egara.
    More than you could ever show me. Riloh, this bounty's worth more money than we earn in a month.
    All right, lover - but stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt over a lousy stack of credits.
    You kids love to talk, huh? If you want credits, I know a better way to earn them.
    We're bounty hunters, stupid. This is what we do for a living.
    Shut up, Scorch. Make your offer.
    Listen to me. I'm not who you think I am.
    Oh, please. That's what they all say!
    I bet you've killed a lot of innocent people.
    I never flame-broiled anybody who didn't have it coming.
    Except for that Rodian droid technician - and the Trandoshan cloth merchant.
    And your last girlfriend. What was her name? Mira? Marzi?
    It was Myrella, and that was an accident! You said this was the captain from Rogun the Butcher's bounty. Are you sure or not?
    I don't know! I thought I was....
    Mess with me and I guarantee you'll wind up dead. Rogun made a mistake. I'm looking for someone. Ever heard of a starship thief named Skavak?
    You know what? I believe you. Let's get out of here.
    Aw, come on! We can take this fool easy. This isn't fair, you guys. I was gonna buy a rocket launcher with this bounty....
    I'm starting to think Riloh's right. This job's too big for us. But Skavak's worth more dead than alive, Riloh. Last time I checked his bounty, it was huge.
    Wait a minute. That name sounds familiar....
    How huge?
    Buy a starship and retire huge.
    I just saw Skavak in the Black Sun hideout.
    My cousin runs with Black Sun. He can get us in there. Forget this captain - save ammo for Skavak.
    We get the drop on Skavak, we only need one shot. That's way better than fighting this captain.
    Glad you saw reason. You kids have a nice day.
    Why'd you bring up Myrella in front of a total stranger? That was just cold....
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Riloh, Scorch, Egara
  • Skavak fought Miel Muwn
  • Holotransmitter of Miel Muwn was destroyed
  • Justicars' Brigade captured Miel Muwn
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The Justicars traded supplies with the Empire.
    Skavak and the Imperials were laughing while speaking.
  • Justicars' Brigade, Skavak, Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
  • Justicars' Brigade captured Jiik
  • Justicars' Brigade wounded Jiik
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas Pollaran
    Having some trouble with bounty hunters, Captain?
    Only a little. I can't help it if I'm popular with all the wrong people. You're supposed to know everything. Why didn't you warn me about them?
    Darmas Pollaran
    Being famous has its drawbacks, doesn't it? I didn't see those wild cards coming until it was too late.
    Got anything for me about Skavak?
    Darmas Pollaran
    He's still hiding beneath whatever rock he crawled under--but I expect that will change soon. I hear Black Sun's on an emergency recruitment drive, and you had an altercation at the spaceport. I take it my lead was worthwhile.
    No matter how close I get, I still can't catch Skavak. I need the best information you've got.
    Darmas Pollaran
    You're receiving it, I assure you. These things take time. While we wait for Skavak to make his next move, perhaps we could play a little sabacc?
    Corso Riggs
    I saw that one coming....
    Darmas Pollaran
    Corso, don't be such a spoilsport. What do you say, Captain? First game's on me.
    On second thought, how about we play a little pazaak?
    Darmas Pollaran
    I'm afraid I've never been a fan. Its strategy has always felt a bit shallow.
    What's the harm in a friendly game of cards?
    Corso Riggs
    Don't say I didn't warn you, Captain.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Sabacc is the sport of spacers - everyone who's anyone plays it. Get us a round of drinks, won't you, Corso? There's a good man. Let's deal some cards....
    playing sabacc...
    Darmas Pollaran
    You win again. That was... very impressive.
    Corso Riggs
    Impressive? The captain just cleaned your chrono, Darmas.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Hmm. I'd say you've played this game before.
    I never said I was a beginner.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Then I'm a victim of my assumptions. Well played, my friend. Hold on, I'm receiving an alert from my network. This may be what we've been waiting for.... Looks like your efforts have paid off, Captain. My informants just witnessed Skavak fighting someone and fleeing into Justicars' territory. We have him!
    Who are these "Justicars"?
    Darmas Pollaran
    They're vigilantes - self-appointed "judges" of a whole city sector. Executioners is more like it.
    Did your informants say who Skavak was fighting?
    Darmas Pollaran
    An alien of some sort, according to this report. Very peculiar.
    Tell me where I'm going, Darmas.
    Darmas Pollaran
    You're headed into one of the most dangerous parts of Coruscant. The Justicars don't tolerate outsiders in their sector. They've been known to "punish" non-humans simply for being alien. Skavak must truly be desperate to risk his life going there. You'll want to avoid the Justicars unless you're particularly hungry for a fight. They're all ex-soldiers and armed to the teeth.
    My informants are a brother and sister named Jiik and Juul. They know where to find Skavak. I'll tell them you're coming. Play your hand carefully in the Justicar sector. My instincts tell me Skavak hasn't shown all his cards yet.
    I'll keep that in mind.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Good luck to you, Captain. I hope you make Skavak pay all his debts.
  • Darmas Pollaran, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)

After Darmas Pollaran
Darmas Pollaran
Supporting Characters
Identity Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Major Characters
that Skavak
Supporting Characters
had dealings with Black Sun
Black Sun
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and that the gang was notorious for keeping holorecordings of all their meetings, the smuggler
and Corso Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
traveled to the Black Sun headquarters, in the Black Sun-controlled sector to get to the holorecordings. For security reasons, the Black Sun kept their holorecordings in fragments spread across different computers.
There they and their fellow operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
fought their way
Partial Eclipse
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
through the guards, getting to the four segmented recordings. With the segmented recordings, they went into the secure holovault, fighting more guards, to access the recordings. Activating the holoviewer, they saw a meeting between Skavak and Urbax
Minor Characters (TOR)
Because the lawman might have known where to find Skavak, the duo
Voidhound's Followers
Temporary Unions
went to the spaceport to intercept Urbax and save the lawman. After dealing with the Black Sun lookouts, they confronted Urbax, who was about to kill the lawman, a male Sullustan
Sentient Species
named Miel Muwn
Miel Muwn
Minor Characters (TOR)
who was a designated officer
of the Sullustan Constable Brigade. Noticing the smuggler and Corso, Miel deputized them under Article 11607 of the Emergency Service Laws, as Urbax and his men were interfering in a criminal investigation. Refusing to stand down, the duo killed Urbax in the ensuing fight, with the help of Miel.
Grateful for the assistance, Miel formally introduced himself to the smuggler, who now that the danger was over was no longer a deputy but an upstanding citizen once again. He told Voidhound he was after Skavak, as he was wanted by the government of Sullust
for high crimes. Skavak had stolen a priceless relic, the Murustavan Ruby, a one-of-a-kind gem as large as a fist that had been mined from the depths of Sullust millennia ago. Miel suggested working together, as they both had the same goal of finding Skavak, which the smuggler accepted. Corso then suggested leaving before the local security showed up, so they headed back to Darmas.
Returning to Darmas' private cantina booth, Voidhound and Corso were stopped by three bounty hunters, Egara, Riloh and Scorch. They came after Voidhound because they saw Rogun the Butcher's bounty posting. Although Egara insisted on killing the smuggler, as the bounty was worth more than they could earn in a month, the smuggler convinced them otherwise. Instead, the smuggler convinced the bounty hunters to go after Skavak instead as he'd be unsuspecting. They claimed they had just seen Skavak in Black Sun territory, so the bounty hunters went there.

Miel Muwn pursued Skavak into Justicar's territory and tried to arrest him, they had a firefight during which Muwn's holotransmitter was destroyed, but when Justicar's patrol
Justicars' Brigade
Planetary and Sector
intervened, they arrested Muwn and Skavak escaped.
Skavak was later present during the trade of supplies between the Imperials
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
and the Justicars. The meeting was seen by Jiik
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who was tracking Skavak on the orders from Darmas Pollaran, and the Justiciars arrested him while Skavak and the Imperials went to the Works.

Continuing to Darmas, they were going to wait for Skavak to make his next move, so they could find out what Skavak was up to next. In the meantime, they played a round of sabacc, which Voidhound won. After that, Darmas received an alert from his network. His informants told him the Skavak was seeing fighting and fleeing into the territory of the Justicars. Darmas told Voidhound and Corso to go into the Justicar territory and meet his informants.
See also
Related organizations
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Black SunStructureCharactersUrbaxSentient speciesCatharUrbaxRolesSlicerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Black Sun Keepers - L9.1.3 Blasters, AMM: CH AmmoBlack Sun Lookouts - L9.1.3 Blasters, AMM: CH AmmoUrbax's Thugs - L9.1.3 BlastersL8 RifleBlack Sun GunnersUrbaxBlack Sun Mercenaries - L8.1.1 Blaster RiflesL1 ScattergunBlack Sun GunnersWrist-mounted FlamerBlack Sun Gunners, AMM: TA FuelBlack Sun Slicers, AMM: AM FuelWrist-mounted Spray GunBlack Sun Slicers, AMM: Carbonite Aura and Kolto ShellRetractable BladesBlack Sun MercenariesL3 ElectrobladeBlack Sun Holo-SlicersBlack Sun SlicersTriple-bladed Energy KnifeBlack Sun GunnersFlash GrenadeUrbaxSticky GrenadeUrbaxThermal GrenadeUrbax's ThugsFire BombBlack Sun GunnersExplosive ProbeUrbaxPortable Shield ProjectorUrbax's ThugsConcussion Charge GeneratorUrbax's ThugsHolo DecoyBlack Sun Holo-SlicersMedScanUrbax's ThugsArmorBlack Sun Armor A18.7Various membersUrbax
Justicars' Brigade
Sullustan Constable BrigadeStructureCharactersOfficer Miel MuwnSentient speciesSullustanOfficer Miel MuwnRanksOfficerMiel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterMiel MuwnHolotransmitterMiel MuwnArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1Miel Muwn
Bounty HunterStructureCharactersScorchRiloh (Medic)EgaraRolesMedicRilohWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Scorch - L9.1.1 BlasterRiloh - L9.1.1 BlasterL3 RifleEgara - L3.1.2 RifleWrist-mounted FlamerScorchWrist-mounted Spray GunRiloh, AMM: Kolto ShellL3 ElectrobladeScorchRilohPersonal Energy ShieldEgaraArmorMercenary Armor A15.1EgaraMercenary Armor A18.2RilohMercenary Armor A18.3Scorch
Information BrokerStructureCharactersDarmas Pollaran
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsRolesLeaderVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmuggler
Darmas PollaranMembershipInformation BrokerRelationsEmployed Juul as InformantEmployed Jiik as Informant
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's Followers
SkavakWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeFlash GrenadeThermal GrenadeTorchy
EgaraMembershipBounty HunterWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 RifleL3.1.2 RiflePersonal Energy ShieldArmorMercenary Armor A15.1RelationsRiloh (Lover)
JiikRelationsWorked for Darmas Pollaran as Informant
JuulRelationsWorked for Darmas Pollaran as Informant
Miel MuwnMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterHolotransmitterArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
RilohMembershipBounty HunterMedicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)L9.1.1 BlasterWrist-mounted Spray GunAMM: Kolto ShellL3 ElectrobladeArmorMercenary Armor A18.2RelationsEgara (Lover)
ScorchMembershipBounty HunterWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)L9.1.1 BlasterWrist-mounted FlamerL3 ElectrobladeArmorMercenary Armor A18.3
UrbaxMembershipBlack SunWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL8 RifleFlash GrenadeSticky GrenadeExplosive ProbeArmorBlack Sun Armor A18.7
CatharWere among members ofBlack SunUrbax
SullustanWere among members ofSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel Muwn
OfficerMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeMiel Muwn
LeaderMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound
MedicMembershipBounty HunterRiloh
SlicerMembershipBlack Sun
InformantRelationsDarmas Pollaran employed JuulDarmas Pollaran employed Jiik
Complete list

Full unit name: Hot Pursuit Last updated: 13.07.2024 10:49:15